Answers to your painting questions
This portion of our website is designed to help answer your questions about painting and how Pacific Coat can be the solution to your interior and exterior painting needs.
Can’t find your answer here? Or would you rather discuss your question with an expert? Please contact us using the form.
What parts of Oregon and Washington does Pacific Coat serve?
Pacific Coat Painting serves the entire Portland metro area and SW Washington including the following: West Linn, Lake Oswego, Southwest Washington, Gresham, Troutdale, Tigard, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Clackamas, Oregon City, Vancouver, Wilsonville, Tualatin, Gladstone and Cedar Hills
Does your company offer free, detailed, written estimates?
Pacific Coat Painting will always provide the client with a detailed, written estimate, completely free of charge.
Does Pacific Coat do Interior Work?
Pacific Coat Painting is here to help with both your interior and exterior painting needs.
Does Pacific Coat do Commercial Work?
Pacific Coat Painting serves both residential and commercial clients.
How does the color process work?
Pacific Coat understands how important getting the color just right is. Therefore, we aim to make sure you are completely pleased with the final color. If the colors are being kept the same, we will take a sampling for color matching.
If a color change is part of your painting dream, we will bring out a color wheel and help you select colors. We also recommend you start with the Color Visualizer.
Is your company licensed, bonded and insured?
Pacific Coat Painting is licensed and bonded (CCB# 183531 (OR) PACIFIC957M3 (WA)) and Insured to $1,000,000.
What is your status with the contractor's board?
Pacific Coat Painting is in good standing with no complaints. Our customers satisfaction is extremely high, as evident with our long referral list.
What types of suppliers does Pacific Coat Painting work with?
Pacific Coat Painting has access to paints from all major paint manufacturers and always leaves the selection of the paint brand up to the client. Pacific Coat recommends Sherwin Williams or another premium paint manufacturer to those looking to maximize the lifetime on their paint investment.
How do your prices compare to other contractors?
Pacific Coat Painting is highly competitive in pricing and delivers an exceptional value.
Do you have experience with lead paint and historic homes?
Pacific Coat Painting employees are certified in safe lead paint removal and disposal. We have extensive experience with historic homes. Ask a specialist for more information.
Do you offer brush and roll application?
Pacific Coat Painting is one of a small handful of companies who offer brush and rolled paint applications at an affordable price. Pacific Coat agrees that brush application does apply a thicker coat to the application surface. This extra paint takes longer to wear and is more effective in protecting your home. Brush application also aids in forcing paint into the crack and porous areas of your wood siding. A common middle ground application method would be a spray application followed by a back brush application.
What types of paint do you offer?
Information about service and products is available at the services section of this site.
What services in addition to painting do you offer?
Information about service and products is available at the services section of this site.
What are low-VOC and zero-VOC paints?
Paints and finishes release low-level toxic emissions into the air for years after application. The source of these toxins is a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which, until recently, were essential to the performance of the paint.
Service means that we will be on your job promptly at the scheduled times.
Once your job begins, we will return daily until the work has been completed. We will work quietly, neatly, and respectfully to enhance the beauty and value of your property.
All of our work is backed up with a written estimate and contract, which clearly explains the scope of the work to be performed. It also covers such items as:
- Surfaces to be painted
- Methods and extent of surface preparation
- Products to be used
- Payment procedures
Knowing the total scope of the work enables you to carefully evaluate our proposal before the work begins.